jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2016

my name is Florencia Videla, I was born in Santiago in 1996, I am twenty years old, my birthday is on twentieth on march. I live now in La Reina in Santiago.
I study Plastic Arts in Univercidad de Chile, i now on my third year.

I am graduation the ISUCH school in 2013. ISUCH is the school of the art faculty of Universidad de Chile.
I undertake my arts studies in 2011 on Ciclo Basico de Artes Visuales, in this university

I live with my uncles in the house, with may cousins and two dogs.

I love the plants like painting, the films, read, write and jazz music, whit may friends we organize Toccatas named Sismos Acusticos, because we like share and express our little arts.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi floringles jaja, I like toccatas a lot! many of my friends are musicians and thats why a like jazz too
    Have a great weekend, see you!
