miércoles, 28 de junio de 2017


The truth is that I never liked English, and still does not Passionate me, but after these three levels that led me to the end of my English course, I can say that I no longer fear, or at least not as much as before.

I think my level of English is low and it is clear that I have much to learn.
But everything in its time for now I hope to get the course right.

If I had something to improve
I will improve my interest in the English language, I think that the interest is
essential to learn a language, the provision makes the tasks much easier.
 I in my daily life I never use English.
but I never see myself in need of putting it into practice
The blog system seems very good, it is interesting the idea of ​​having a blog, being able to talk about issues that we often think without developing them. I could say that it has been useful for both English and everyday life.
Talking about future work, postgraduate, are very important things to write

But although I like the blog system, I would also like to practice more conversing with colleagues, because
I think that in order to learn languages ​​it is necessary to remember how we used to be when we were babies.
Children learning a language begin imitating phonetics, and incorporating words, then communicate with others
and use the language, after all this start to write and read.
But in general language classes do not work with this logic.
This seems strange to me.
I am very happy to finish this course I hope to be lucky in the exams and that everything goes well.
see you never

miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017


For me the teaching method in the career of visual arts of the University of Chile is unique in comparison to the other academic careers .

I feel free because i have the power for important decisions, for example i decide my principal class among a variety of options, if I would like to study painting or experimental art (as is my case), I can decide on a variety of workshops that teach the same "material" but in different ways.

And there are many workshops, you can do casting, goldsmithing, etching, pottery, and many more!

The workload is relative, it depends on own initiative, this has a good side and a bad side, because people take advantage of this, to work less.
It is important to manage time independently, especially in the art world, but some student need more guided classes.

 But i can also talk about many things that are missing or that do not work properly, such as the infrastructure; that every time it rains the rooms are wet inside, in addition, some workshops require safety conditions that are not available, and this is very dangerous. There isn't a rigorous maintenance of the tools, most of them are broken for lack of maintenance, and that damages our possibilities of a good condition for work; and thinking in the amount of money that students pay, this is a intolerable situation.

 The truth is that I don't believe that the university has the importance that people give it,but perhaps is a generational thing. At the same time its a fact university is a business in our country and i feel that is another mechanism of control that system needs, that only wants to tie us to its logic.


In this summer i plan save money because, now, i am looking for a new place to live for by my own means.

but i love the travels, in this year I went to Uruguay in the summer and last month I went to Argentina to the performance biennial, A few years ago I traveled to bolivia, I also went to see the flowery desert in northern Chile, during 2015.

i prefer travel as hitchhiking, with friends, to camp in places, and capture the photographs.

All this makes travels cheaper, but i need concentration for to achieve my goals.

I would like to go to my grandmother's house on the beach spend time with her in El Quisco, play guitar, play table games. Like when I was little in the summers.

And I also want to go visit a friend who lives in Lake Rapel. And I also want to go visit a friend who lives in Lake Rapel, and with him we could dance and have fun. because he is dancer and when i go to his house, these things always happen.

I would also like to vicitar my family in Talca and stroll through beautiful natural reserbas that are near this place, to share with my cousins of Talca with Aunt Leticia, to vitiate to Uncle Mario.

I imagine my summer in trips more familiar, quiet, simple and economic, that allow me to enjoy the summer and of my new projects in the home.

That's the plan, bye friends. 

Resultado de imagen de playa quisco 


best childhood anecdote

When I was a girl my games used to talk about things like what you wanted  when will adult, we played games like "el paco y el ladron" or the doctor, the singer and the supermarket, was a child's play, when i was have seven years.

I believe that through play, when we were little we could experience the future and its posivildades in the life of adults.

so when i was a child i had a game of the hairdressing, and when i  played with it i feel Better than any other toy.

for this reason i wanted be an
Hairdresser, and have my personal hairdressing for played with the heads

But they should know that I have always been completely alone, without siblings, this is very sad for my.

for this when i was a child i played a lot alone, and an day I wanted to play and I asked to my parents if they could play to the hairdresser with me, because I could not play this game alone.

but my parents wasn't had a hair because they are actors and in this moment the play asked them not to have hair, But I hadn't one to play with, and I cried a lot, until they called my grandmother and she come to play with me.
Now it seems very funny to me. It is rare to have hairless parents.


martes, 23 de mayo de 2017

My postgraduate dream in mexico

when I finish my career I would like make an postgraduate in mexico. I need to deepen in pottery because in the four years of my career, it can not learning a lot of pottery, would like to have most time to deepen in the thousands of techniques.
but for this, is a good idea take advantage of profecionalisarme more in formal studies.
From long time ago coming to my mind the idea of living in Mexico, and when i meet with the pottery art, I comprehend the relation enter my dreams. because the Pottery art is most related whit the latin american culture, for this i nid study in an country of latin america, and the original culture of mexico, where people exerted about pottery.

To be able to go to study in a postgraduate I intend to postular a beca, and thus apoyarme economically
but anyway i need make money, working and saving. when i would start my thesis process I have a most time, and in this time I would work for this cause.
my parents they're excited and support this idea,
My father especially asks me from time to time what new things he has undergone, but I explain that there is still time. he has anxious.
but this proyect is an Long-term project, because i need finish this academic yeard, and finish my tesis,
Which is what matters most now.
Imagen relacionada

lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017

The future work

in this moment, when I am in my final year, ideas as for example, the job, come to my head, I wonder how I will sustain my life and my projects.
in art career, i am learning the craft of pottery and in the future I imagine work in the utilitarian pottery, i will make art during all my life, but i dont creer I do not think of it as my source of income.
Para esto prefiero utilizar la cerámica utilitaria para mi sustento.
i don't like the art market but de market of handicraft i think it's very respectable.
i imagine my future living out of city in solitary with my family, and Without many comforts.
 I like so much the travels but in my project of work the travels isn't most compatible.
But I also thought to work doing art workshops for children or adults both in ceramics and painting, which is another area of the art that I like and study.
make workshop for children is an idea that interests me a lot, because the children have a special creativity, and they have ideas very new. the art for the children is most natural and they cant know the world and oneself, reflect around this .
That's how I think about working with children and art.Resultado de imagen para ceramica

jueves, 11 de mayo de 2017

my favorite movie

 my favorite movie is wild heart, directed by David Lynch.
this director is a referent for my, in my acadamyc world, because In the beginning his study plastic arts, and can be see in your work the influence of the contemporani art and an reflection of the cinema language.
the history of this movie starts with the romance between Sailor and Lula, Who theys escaped together to new orleans. Situation that Lula mother considered unsafe So he hires a mafioso to kill Sailor.
But this is one more reason for kill to Sailor, because his Because he saw as Lula's mother killed his husband.this secret true his the most important for the argument in the film, an so in the end is when you can comprehend.
is my favorite film because  the music is always elvis presley, and i love this music.
I  just love it, when i watched this film I feel  to make movies and when pass this is an special moment.
and the curious informations about David Lynch is his zodiac sign, because he is capricornio, this sign is curious because my favorites writers are governed under this sign. for exampler Edgar Allan Poe, Umberto Eco, J.R.R. Tolkien, Rubén Darío, Simone de Beauvoir, and more.
my concluced is that capricornio sign is a very good sign.

Resultado de imagen para corazon salvaje david lynch

miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

the english class in mi life

the class that most hated in school was the english class. is a great paradox write about this theme, but the english continue in my life, for my university life.

in my school the english teacher was a mrs that always in the class I was with bad breath,With a mixture of cigarette and coffee.
this teacher It was very unpleasant for me because my notes always was under the blue. but i struggle for am best but I was not understand the type of class of this teacher.
I hate when i  asked about because some thing is wrote in one form and not in other form.
the Teacher's response so is, do not think anymore.
I felt, a lot of impotence in English he told us about his.
nowadays the english is part of my routine, i comprend the importance of this because is an language and is very important for the communicated on the world.

the english now It's more fun for me
I am no longer afraid to speak and to err.
The inlgles can be a fun game

miércoles, 12 de abril de 2017

I will like visit

Resultado de imagen para df mexico

In this moment when i will finish the university, I will can comply my dream about travel to Mexico.
i love mexico is a very stronger culture, broad, and his history is very intense.

the indigenous art in this country is very present an the people appreciate this form of art.
also the indigenous cultur is present in the actual Mexican society

in my last year of school i read an book of Roberto Bolaño, when i finish this book, start in my life the obsession about Mexico, because in the most part of the book, called Los detectives salvajes, the characters are in mexico.
this is a beautifull book with which I inspire my dreams

I not prefer the big cities but my obsession about mexico is most big.
I will like visit this country but I will prefer living in it, because when an person live in an place knows more deeply the reality of the place
My dream is go to study pottery in the UNAM university for continue my personal development.Resultado de imagen para UNAM artes