miércoles, 12 de abril de 2017

I will like visit

Resultado de imagen para df mexico

In this moment when i will finish the university, I will can comply my dream about travel to Mexico.
i love mexico is a very stronger culture, broad, and his history is very intense.

the indigenous art in this country is very present an the people appreciate this form of art.
also the indigenous cultur is present in the actual Mexican society

in my last year of school i read an book of Roberto Bolaño, when i finish this book, start in my life the obsession about Mexico, because in the most part of the book, called Los detectives salvajes, the characters are in mexico.
this is a beautifull book with which I inspire my dreams

I not prefer the big cities but my obsession about mexico is most big.
I will like visit this country but I will prefer living in it, because when an person live in an place knows more deeply the reality of the place
My dream is go to study pottery in the UNAM university for continue my personal development.Resultado de imagen para UNAM artes

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